29 March, 2010

The benefit of Vedic Astrology..Pt. Dr. Hitesh A. Modha

The benefit Of integrating Vedic Astrology with Psychology ...Pt. Dr. Hitesh A. Modha 

One of the most distinct advantages that the Vedic Astrologer has over the Psychologist is that the former can elucidate both the psychological nature of the individual as well as the timing of significant positive and negative life events.  The Psychologist may comprehend the personality profile and accompanying psychological dilemmas, but he or she is unable to make clear and accurate predictions about when stressful life events are likely to manifest and when they are likely to abate.  The Psychologist tends to rely on past and current behavioral patterns to make his predictions, while the Astrologer can utilize both avenues of behavioral observation as well as chart analysis.   Therefore, Vedic Astrologers have a unique perspective since they can predict when certain life stressors are likely to exacerbate pre-existing emotional or cognitive difficulties related to a given personality style. Moreover, the Astrologer can identify the precise timing of a particular life stressor or event and how that individual is likely to respond to the information that he or she receives from the Astrologer.  Different personality styles will respond and cope differently to the same life challenge or stressor.

For example, the Histrionic personality type (active-dependent) has a particularly strong need to socialize, be recognized by the opposite sex, has a dramatic self-expression, shows intolerance for frustration, delay or disappointment, acts very friendly, superficial and flirtatious and is generally the “life of the party.”  Affection must be replenished constantly from others for this person to feel secure.  This individual takes an active role in being noticed and admired. Yet, this person is also quite dependent on the opinions and evaluations of others for approval.  So, this individual relies to a large extent on external validation and he or she tends to focus his or her attention on appearance.  If this desire is met, then this person functions reasonably well.  However, when this person goes through a difficult Mahadasa period, perhaps a Saturn Dasa with Saturn in a weak chart position, he or she will have a unique struggle that is associated with that personality profile.  In contrast, the Compulsive (passive-ambivalent) type is more serious, conforming to societal rules, and maintains control over his affect and behavior.  The Compulsive type is highly perfectionist, orderly, behaviorally constrained, indecisive and rigid, and prefers to remain more private than the Histrionic type.  The Saturn Dasa experience for this individual will be quite different than for the Histrionic personality.  The Compulsive type may make great strides during the Saturn Dasa and finally feel comfortable and productive under this planetary influence. The Histrionic type may become depressed and have difficulty obtaining the social reinforcements that are so central to this person’s self-image.   In sum, the Vedic Astrologer can serve the client by identifying discrete personality patterns. The Vedic Astrologer can then assist the client by tailoring the astrological interpretation to address that client’s particular emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral and spiritual orientation as dictated through one’s personality profile.

The interaction of personality style with the operating Dasa/Bhukti cycle may help to explain why certain individuals with particularly “strong” charts still have significant difficulty and discontent in their life experience and conversely why some individuals with “weak” or afflicted charts appear to overcome many of life’s obstacles.  Certain personality styles appear to thrive on discord, while other personality types have very little reserve for coping with challenging circumstances.   This idea deserves to be formally investigated through appropriate research models, incorporating the Million personality theory within the context of Vedic Astrological chart interpretation.

            The accurate information conveyed during an astrological consultation is a matter of discernment by the Vedic Astrologer and it is an important issue that is not easily taught.  Therefore, use of this personality framework should assist the Vedic Astrologer in understanding his client along the 6 axes formerly described.  By understanding the personality style of the client, the Vedic Astrologer will also recognize what information can truly be “heard,” as well as the likely impact of the information on that personality type.

            I demonstrate how the Vedic Astrologer can utilize the Rasi, Nakshtra and Lagna-kundali, Dreskan (charts) for delineating personality and psychological features using the 6-axis bio-psychosocial model presented earlier.  The main point to consider is that the profound system of Vedic Jyotish clearly offers a method for a deep examination of personality and accompanying psychological features found within any particular astrological chart.

More information you can visit

Pt. Dr. Hitesh A. Modha 

09 March, 2010

Exploration the personality by vedic astrology by Dr Hitesh Modha

Exploration the Personality trait through the Janm-kundali…..   Vedic Astrology is an association with Psychology:

                                                     --Dr Hitesh Modha


The edge between the extensive fields of Clinical Psychology and Vedic Astrology has not received significant attention to date.   This article attempts to create an essential association between these two areas and offers a specific theoretical framework for defining personality while also demonstrating its utility for the practicing Vedic Astrologer.  In this regard, there are several important points to be discussed:  (1) Definition of a concise personality theory that is presently in use among clinicians; (2) How to pragmatically apply this personality theory with astrology clients; (3) Review of the primary Vedic astrological elements to examine in the Vedic chart to understand the psychology of an individual; and (4) Application of these principles to interpreting a Vedic Janm-kundali


While it is acknowledged that analysis of the Janma- Rasi and Lagna and its lord’s position in Janm-kundali (charts) offer a vast resource for understanding the psychological portrait of an individual, to date only one cohesive theory has been offered to explain discrete personality profiles through the Vedic chart.   I focus on this important topic, describing the key psychological factors of the Janm-kundali (birth chart), while incorporating with an Ayurvedic conception of the mind, emotional responsively, physical body and spiritual life direction.  In his typology, personality is defined through the three Gunas (Attributes)   (saatvic, rajasic and/or tamasic qualitites), along with the three dosha types (pitta, vata and kapha). Specific planetary elements, such as assessment of the Moon, Sun and Mercury and the quality and strength of the Ascendant and its Lord, as well as the 4th & 5th & 9th house Lords are identified as primary factors for identifying the psychological status of an individual.    Another valid approach to the topic of personality is to examine other derived personality theories from the field of psychology and attempt to analyze the astrological chart from this vantage point.

What exactly is “personality”? and how is it relevant to the Vedic Astrologer? Throughout the 20th century, several classical theories have been proposed (e.g. Freud, 1932 and Jung, 1921) to identify and classifies individuals into certain groups which help to describe the underlying psychological motives of individuals.  The term “personality” is derived from the Greek term “persona” which literally means “mask.”  Over time, the term lost its original connotation of appearance and moved toward explaining the person behind the mask, beyond the outer perception in that time.
 “Personality” is now defined as a widespread pattern of deeply implanted psychological features that are largely unconscious, express them automatically in almost every aspect of functioning and can not be eliminated easily.  Also, personality may be viewed as a built-in, omnipresent or enveloping pattern of traits which may be outlined systematically along six specific axes.

Based on my experience & research in psychology and Vedic astrology, I have integrated astrological correlates with the following discrete traits (5 axes): 
 (1) Biological (genetic) constitution :- (Sun, Venus, Lagna, Lagan’s lord, 6th house, 8th & 9th house),
(2) Cognitive style &inner probabilities and capability:-(Janma-Rashi (birth-sign), and its lord, Mercury, debilitation of any planet, 5th house and its lords),
(3) Emotional responsively :-( Janm-Rashi (Moon), and its lord, 4th house),
(4)  Intellectual: - Lagna and its lord, and all aspect
(5) Physical desire: - 1st -7th and 8th house and Mars-Venus in debilitation or relationship, and the Venus -Saturn in relationship or in aspect (it give one night standing relationship tendencies),
(6) Coping strategy: - Lagna and its lord, Janma-Rashi & its lord, debilitated planet, and strongest any planets/houses and the most afflicted planets/houses.  Each Janm-kundali (natal chart) may be examined along these 6 discrete axes in order to understand an individual’s personality profile.   In sum, personality is an built-in, complex array of factors which determine how an individual thinks, feels, perceives his world, relates socially, acts, receives behavioral strengthening, copes with life stressors and orients his life spiritually.  Personality may be viewed as the dynamic forces which find out exactly how an individual will approach and respond to his or her life experience.

Dr Hitesh Modha www.ishanastrovastu.co.in

08 March, 2010

Vedic astrology and psychology .By Pt. Dr. Hitesh Modha

 Vedic Astrology and Psychology
                            -- Pt. Dr Hitesh modha            
 When I was studying Vedic Astrology, at 18 year age, that time I was very inquisitive to what is relationship between Vedic astrology and psychology. 2nd Vedic astrology represents a certain personalities and behave pattern of each every zodiacal sign and planate. Its manifestations are projection onto our outside. I went to more depth study of Vedic astrology n human mind (psychology). I found a golden key of both sciences. After 5 years I established my own concept of Vedic astrology-psychology without disturbing the basic sanctity of theory of vedic astrology and  psychology.
 The Karma and the Transformation I immediately became keen on psychological astrology. Here was an astrologer who understood an individual’s personal life problems by locating the conflicts in their natal chart. By knowing our client’s individual conflict or karmic lesson, astrologers can apply knowledge of psychology to guide them to freedom.
Conflict resides within us all and is seen by its projection onto our outside world especially upon those that we have a close relationship with. To find conflict we need only look at the planetary aspects which symbolize the various types of relationships between the archetypes / planets. A planetary aspect describes what we expect from a relationship or situation. For example, Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn shows that we expect our mother (or mother or wife figure) to be cold and critical. We expect the relationship to be difficult and we will struggle to cope with her negative demeaning comments. It also shows that we expect society at large to be restrictive and unemotional.
Conflict, as seen in the planets, their sign and house position and aspects, is one of constant activity. Conflict is fundamental to life, it is a constant and so by finding the conflict we can see the patterns of our behaviors, dysfunctional relationships and exactly why we repeat the patterns of failure in our lives. We actively seek that which is going to hurt us – Moon in poor aspect to Saturn shows that we seek out a nurturing mother figure despite expecting her to reject and dominate us. It is like the moth attracted to the flame, it just can’t stay away, even to its death it will continue to fly back to the life-extinguishing flame.
 We find an individual’s conflict by looking particularly at the hard or challenging planetary aspects in the natal chart. Hard aspects between inner and outer planets and outer planets on the angles and stelliums will be the conflicts we seek. They are the personality traits that challenge us in our daily life.
We all have complexes, they are what keeps us grounded in life, they are our teachers, they are essential to our life’s Quest. The subject of complexes is, if you will excuse the expression, highly complex. But it is immensely valuable as a psychological model, because it can give us remarkable insight into the dynamics of a horoscope. Of all the many available psychological perspectives, that of complexes is one of the most useful to the astrologer, and one of the most profound. We can view complexes reductively to understand personal conflicts and family dynamics more clearly. Or we can view complexes from an archetypal or mythic perspective and get a glimpse of the deeper meaning behind a person‘s experiences and development pattern. Both views are valid. What we are really looking at is a psychological model of life.
Sigmund Freud touched on the concept of complexes to help describe the workings of the unconscious. Carl Jung took this idea further by describing how the unconscious is formed from primal energies or in Jungian terms, archetypes, that also resides in the Collective Unconscious. We, as astrologers, call them planets, signs and constellations.
How the archetypes become complexes
When we identify too strongly with an archetype on an unconscious level due to trauma or emotional neglect, we manifest that archetype as a complex. The planet is the primary archetype while the sign shows us how the archetype will manifest. For instance, if a child has a father who rejects his son (emotional neglect) then the boy begins to seek a father figure to replace him. If Sun were in Sagittarius square Saturn then Dad is a hero, often outgoing sporty or well traveled and liked by others (other kids say they idolize his Dad). When Dad tries to direct and control his son a father complex appears. This boy will seek fathers (heroes) out in the world and will often compete with men or other boys for attention. The square aspect will manifest as being unable to trust men who are sporty, there will be conflict with them. The boy turns his anger and frustration and yearning onto these men. He projects his needs, for a father who is a hero to him and only him; he also projects his anger and frustration at his own Dad back onto these men.
Father complexes
The Saturn archetype is an element in the ‘Oedipal Complex’ which is one of control and domination. Saturn competed with his children and ate them as they were born so that he would maintain sole rulership over his dominion. He represents the ‘father’ complex, a father who is the disciplinarian, domineering and controlling who always knows what is better for his children. Sun is the hero father, the ‘hero’
 complex, one who is courageous and brave. Jupiter is the generous and knowing father, Mercury is the smart, chatty father, Mars is the dynamic sporty father who is also impatient and aggressive, Pluto is the brooding father who is deep often having paranoid fits, explosive anger, powerful and controlling. Uranus is the outside father, always out saving other people’s problems not able to get close to their child. Neptune is the dreamer father with plans for the future that never get done. Chiron is the wise father often emotionally wounded but able to steer the child in the right direction. Venus too can be a father archetype, the sexually active father who thinks more of his own appearance than putting food on the table. Moon is the fussing father who is so identified with his children that they can’t go outside without an adult to supervise.
Mother Complexes
The Moon is the feminine Goddess; she is the archetype that gives us milk, the food for our body and nurturing love for our soul. When we do not get the nurturing that we need from our mother or mother caregiver we get ‘fixated’ or stuck in the need for love, a conflict within ourselves – “I want my mother’s love even though I know that I will be hurt by her.” This is the classic ‘double-bind’, damned if I do and damned if I don’t, a no-win situation. It is from this situation that we develop a complex, with the Moon it becomes a mother complex. For example Moon in Pisces shows a huge need for the person to be enveloped into the mother, into the universe, a protective escape from the harm of the world. The planetary aspects to the Moon show whether this will form a complex.
With Moon in aspect to Neptune the native needs a lot of affection and will become fearful of abandonment and expects nurturing and unconditional love. The mother complex for a man, if it develops, will be for a woman who is literally a mother, not necessarily just a lover (wash the socks, clean the car, put on the band-aid, kiss good night, etc.), the projection is one of the ideal mother / lover. Moon in a positive aspect with Venus is pleasant, getting along nicely with females and expecting affection. If it develops as a mother complex through planets in negative aspect to the Moon then it would manifest as needing a woman to do mother things while he goes out and plays around with other women. For a woman this aspect is one of needing a mother who shows her how to love, mother as a model of sensual femininity.
Moon in poor aspect with Mars is seen as an impatient, hurtful and aggressive mother. The complex is one of seeking pain, perhaps as a sadomasochist, “hurt me when you love me”. A mother complex for a woman manifests as controlling though punishment. Moon conjunct Saturn is a cold controlling mother, the complex would become one of seeking a mother figure who is depressing, demanding and domineering. In women the complex is one of seeking a nurturing love relationship despite knowing that she will be rejected. For a woman it becomes a complex in which she controls her partner though the giving and withdrawing of love.
Our standard “Mother Complex” is one in which the native needs a mothering partner or mother support figure; she may be an older woman or a woman with overbearing needs to nurture. The male projects his needs out into the collective unconscious and finds his match, a nurturing or manipulating mother figure. A woman needs to be aware that she may easily manifest this complex herself when the Moon is poorly aspect in her chart just as a man may manifest a father complex when the Sun is poorly aspect.
The aspects to the planet archetypes show the nature or expectation of the relationship and are our best indicators of potential complexes. Remember that we can think of planets as people. We do this to better understand the complex, think of the two or more planets in aspect as people and how they relate with each other, clinging? Demanding? Overbearing? Impatient? Aggressive? Caring? Loving? Heroic? This may help you to better understand the nature of complexes. (It has been stated that God is one giant ‘father’ complex as well.)
An internal conflict, a complex, resides in our subconscious; it is invisible and hidden from us. In order for us to make the complex visible we throw it out or project it onto others making it ‘consciouses. Generally we will be completely unaware of what we have done and will blame that person for their inconsiderate behavior. An example here is the overzealous defender of sexual morality. This person has an internalized sexual perversion complex, they must tell the world how wrong sex is and campaign against it in the streets, perhaps become elected to parliament to continue this campaign. The more a person is drawn to the flame, like the moth, the more their complex becomes visible to outsiders. If you too have a sex complex you will either join the campaign or fight against it, if you don’t have sexual hang-ups you will stand on the outside to wonder at their misguided passion.
Another example of projection is in relationships. If the male has a mother complex he will project his emotional nurturing needs onto his partner. She will then become responsible for his emotional happiness which eventually becomes quite a burden. The more she plays the role of mother the more childish and demanding the man becomes. If she stops playing to his complex the relationship must change, the man will try to make his partner play the mother role by either being more active, demanding and child like or by withdrawing within himself like a child in the womb demanding comfort in a passive manner appealing to his partners mothering instincts. If she continues to resist then either the relationship breaks up or the man seeks counseling to resolve the complex. The projection is composed of the man’s needs to be mothered and the woman’s needs to control through nurturing, control by the giving and withholding of love. The man needs to find love and self nurturing within him, the woman needs to find control and security within her.
If any doubt or complication, you can call me by cell
Dr. Hitesh Modha                              
Ref: - Dr Carl Jung
Ref: - Dr Sigmund Freud (concept of complexes)
Ref: - Vedic Astrology & Vedic Samudrik Shashtra (Vedic behavior science)

02 March, 2010

vedic astrolgy and Tatva--by Dr Hitesh Modha

आज पुरे विश्व में मेडिकल एस्ट्रोलोजी में काफी संशोधन के प्रचुर  मात्रा में साहित्य और अलग अलग ज्योतिष शाखा के ग्रन्थ-पुस्तके उपलब्ध है. और उतनी हि बड़ी आसानी से  कल्पना और परि-कल्पना का भी साहित्य उपलब्ध है. आज पूरा विश्व में  वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा प्रचलन दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ रहा है. तरेह तरेह की चिकित्सा प्रणाली व्यहवार में आ  रही है और आती रहेंगी. काफी चिकित्सा प्रणाली को आज भी आधुनिक विज्ञानं की मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं हुई. ऐसी प्रवर्तमान स्थिति में मेडिकल एस्ट्रोलोजी का विकास  बड़े जोर शोर से हो रहा है. पश्चिम में अमेरिका जेसे देश में काफी संशोधन भी हो रहे है. तथा चाइनिस, सायन ज्योतिष में  मेडिकल एस्ट्रोलोजी का प्रयोग बड़े जोर से रहा है.लेकिन मेडिकल एस्ट्रोलोजी की गहेराय में जाने से पहेले शरीर विज्ञानं का विस्तृत ज्ञान होना आवश्यक है. तभी तो ये प्रणाली समज पाएंगे. अगर समज पाएंगे तो हि शीख पाएंगे. हमारे भारत देश में ये वेदिक दर्शन की  श्रुंखला में  मेडिकल एस्ट्रोलोजी समाविस्ट है.वेदिक ज्योतिष और योग-दर्शन के अंतर्गत अत है. हमारे महर्षि ने सिर्फ भारत के वातावरण को लिए नहीं पर बल्कि पुरे विश्वमें  बस रहे लोगो के लिए निर्यात किया है, वे बड़े वैज्ञानिक थे.इस लिए महर्षि ने काल,समय और स्थल के आधार पे निदान करने का निर्देश किया है.
 वेदिक  काल में आयुर्वेद, ज्योतिष,दर्शन एक साथ हि पढाया जाता था(सह-शिक्षण) बाद अपनी योग्यता और लायकात के अनुशार वो समय के छात्रो विशेष शाखा में आगे बढ़ने के लिए वे अपनी रूचि मुज़ब आयुर्वेद अथवा ज्योतिष या दर्शन जेसी शाखा में विशेष महारथ हांसिल करके वोही शाखा के विशेषज्ञ बनके प्रक्टिस और संशोधन में जुटे रहेते थे. वेदिक काल में ये  स्थिति थी मेरे पाठको वो समय हम कहा थे और आज कहा है ?? आप विचार कर सकते हो.....इस में विशेषज्ञ बनने के लिए ११ वर्ष जितना अमूल्य समय महाविद्यालय को सुपरत करना पड़ता था.
वेदिक काल में आयुर्वेद, दर्शन और ज्योतिष प्रेक्टिस वाइस एक साथ था. ये तीनो विज्ञानं में एक हि बेज़ है वो है पंच-महाभूत. वेदिक महर्षि के  दर्शन अनुशार पूरा ब्रह्माण्ड इस पंच तत्त्व से बना है और जहा इस पंच-तत्त्व एक साथ पाया जायेगा वही हि जिव-सृष्टि उत्पन्न  होगी इस के साथ वेदिक महर्षियो ने और भी महत्व का अंग माना है वो है ग्रह समेत  ब्रह्माण्ड की उर्जा  और पृथ्वी का चुम्बकीय का क्षेत्र, इनका भी साथ में यथा-योग्य ताल-मेल हि जीवन सृष्टि को सुग्रथित विकास क्रम दे सकते है.ये सारी बाते हमारी संहिताओ में  परिलक्षित है.लेकिन ये सारी बाते और नियमो और सिध्धान्तो को सार-सूत्र में श्लोक के स्वरुप में दर्शायी है.सृष्टा ने की तरह ये सभी मूल तत्वों को एक चक्र की भांति सतत चलायमान रखा है १८ से ज्यादा ऋषिकुल की परंपरा में खुद महर्षि-ऋषि समेत कई  आचार्यो और पंडितो,साथ लाखो की संख्या में छात्रो ने हजारो वर्ष के कठिन और तिल-स्पर्शी संशोधन(तप) के बाद ही वेदिक दर्शन हमें प्राप्त हुआ है.ये वेदिक दर्शन ना तो सिर्फ अध्यात्मिक दर्शन है बल्कि एक अनूठा और अंतिम विज्ञानं भी है भले आज आधुनिक विज्ञानं इस बात से सहमत ना हो, लेकिन ये सत्यता पूर्ण विज्ञानं ही है जो भी आज भी प्रतीति करता है क्यों की सत्य चाहे लाखो वर्ष पुराना क्यों ना हो फिर भी वो सत्य ही है  प्रकृति के ऐसे ही कुछ सत्य से हो तो आधुनिक विज्ञानं का जन्म हुआ है विज्ञानं अन्य ग्रहों से आयात नहीं किया. इस मिटटी और उपरोक्त तत्त्व के संयोजन से ही बना है आधुनिक विज्ञानं. आज भी विज्ञानं के पास धरती माँ चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र क्यों है उनका कोई सटीक जवाब नहीं है. क्यों पृथ्वी का ढलान २३.५ से २८ डिग्री इशान की और ही  क्यों ? क्यों अग्नि और नैरुत्य कोण की तरफ और क्यों नहीं ? है जवाब आज किसी विज्ञानं के पास ? है जवाब है आधुनिक विज्ञानं के पास वो कहेंगे ये सब व्यवस्था पहेले से ही निर्मित या प्राकृतिक है. बस, यही बात को लेके हमारे महर्षि आगे बढे थे.लेकिन महर्षियो ने इसी प्राकृतिक व्यवस्था का सांगो-पांग स्वीकार किया. और इसी प्राकृतिक व्यवस्था के नियमो को उजागर कर के  प्राकृतिक विज्ञानं को आविष्कृत किया. और हमें उच्च कोटि की जीवन प्रणाली  (सभी मानव समाज को) प्रदान की.
   आगे बताये मुजब वेदिक महर्षियो ने पृथ्वी और पृथ्वी पर पलने और उत्पन्न होने वाली और इनके सम्बन्ध में आनेवाली ग्रहों और ब्रह्माण्ड की समस्त उर्जा, वतावावरण  और पृथ्वी के सम्बन्ध आने वाली सभी चीजो को पांच तत्वों में विभाजित किया.क्योकि ये सभी ५ तत्वों सिर्फ हमारी पृथ्वी पे मौजूद है.ये पंचमहाभूत का आपसी कार्य और सम्बन्ध को भी महर्षियों ने आविष्कृत किया. बाद में "पिंडे सो ब्रह्मांडे" का वरिष्ठ सिध्धांत प्रतिपादित किया.
आयुर्वेद, ज्योतिष, दर्शन, और गंधर्व में पंच तत्वों का बड़े कौशल के साथ उपयोग किया है, दुसरे शब्दों में कहे तो ये पंचमहाभूत ही मूल आधार है. हमारा शरीर भी ये पंच तत्वों से निर्मित है.ये तत्वों का यथा-योग्य संतुलन रहेगा तो मानवी का विकास और आरोग्य अखंड रहेगा   अथवा कही वातावरण जन्य, नैसर्गिक रूप से, मानसिक रूप से, शारीरिक रूप से  या फिर पोषणक्षम की आहार की कमी  से कोई एक महाभूत का असंतुलन  पर   मानव शरीर पर बीमारी ला सकता है. ये सूत्र जितना गहरा  है इतना ही रसप्रद है. छोटी सी पूर्व भूमिका से मूल विषय पर  आते है.आयुर्वेद-ज्योतिष के अनुसार चिकित्सीय  निदान के लिए जन्म-कुंडली और प्रवर्तमान खगोलीय स्थिति के साथ मनुष्य की शारीरिक और मानसिक यंत्रणा को समजना जरुरी होता है.
 प्रत्येक जातक में जन्म से एक तत्व मूल रूप से स्थायी होता है जिन्हें जन्म तत्व भी कह सकते है. इस जन्म तत्त्व सभी जातक की एक चोक्कस प्रकार की डिजाईन बनाता  है. इसी पैटर्न के आधारित जातक की  शारीरिक और मानसिक गतिविधियों के अलावा मानसिक सभी लागणी(एमोसन्स) के जड़ लागणी तक की गहेराय का अभ्यास कर सकते है, और मूल या जड़   लागणी का अध्ययन करके जातक के मन का सम्पूर्ण आलेख बना के जातक के मन को उजागर कर सकते है ये प्रक्रिया में  बहोत मोटा  अनुभव और धैर्य ज्योतिष, मेडिकल और psycology का विषद ज्ञान चाहिए और लगातार अभ्याश अध्ययन...
पूरा ब्रह्माण्ड  Panchabhutas  (पांच तत्वों) से ही बना है  और मानव शरीर उनका लघु-सूक्ष्म रूप है.   जन्म की  तिथि, समय और जन्म स्थान, जन्मकुंडली  की मदद से जातक का प्रमुख तत्त्व का निदान कर सकते है है. .

प्रत्येक जन्म तत्व,  जातक- व्यक्ति का विशिष्ट लक्षण ka निर्देश करता है.
  •  अग्नि  तत्त्व :- प्रतिकारक शक्ति, प्राण के छोटे रूप, पाचन शक्ति, प्रजनन शक्ति  सत्ता, वीरता, संशोधन .........(सूचि बहोत लम्बी है )
  • पृथ्वी तत्व  :- उच्च सामग्री, सफलता, संतुष्टि और जो व्यापार,उद्योग  और अन्य विधायक तरीकों, लक्ष्यांक,स्थिरता, फल्द्रुपता,विधायकता, क्षमता........(सूचि बहोत लम्बी है)    .
  • आकाश तत्त्व :- ज्ञान  सतत अभ्यास,सीखना, अध्यात्म की  और उच्च विहार ज्ञान, परमात्मा के प्रति समर्पण  .
  • जल तत्व :_  सृजन, रचनात्मकता  कलात्मकता  साहित्य  कला में सफलता और लागणीशीलता, भावनात्मकता संवेदनशीलता,....  (सूचि बहोत लम्बी है)    .
  • वायु तत्व :- विचारशीलता,  कठिन से  कठिन और  अधिक शारीरिक श्रम करने की क्षमता और श्रम के प्रति आराध्य भाव, उद्यमी,मानसिक तनाव का सामना करने की क्षमता, और कड़ी मेहनत के माध्यम से अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने की कामना, .....  (सूचि बहोत लम्बी है) 

जातक- ( मानव) के मन - शरीर और उसके रोग को समझने में तत्व  बहुत उपयोगी होते हैं. प्रत्येक तत्व  एक ग्रह या ग्रहों के द्वारा association में है. जो अपनी विशेषताओं के स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्ति के व्यक्तित्व में देखा जाता है
  • अग्नि तत्व  या आग तत्व सूर्य और मंगल ग्रह का शासन है.
  • जल तत्व  या पानी तत्वों चंद्रमा और शुक्र का शासन है.
  • वायु तत्व  या हवादार तत्वों शनि का शासन है
  • पृथ्वी Tatv  बुध और आकाश tatwa द्वारा शासित बृहस्पति द्वारा शासित है
ये जन्म तत्व  से केवल  कारकत्व  या significations ही   नहीं  या पूरा  व्यक्तित्व को  ठीक से समझ सकते है. यह हमारे ग्रह की  मजबूत और कमजोर स्थिति को भी आसानी से समज सकते है. 

जन्म  तत्व को   केसे खोजेंगे ?
जन्म-कुंडली के अनुसार जातक का तत्व खोजे, साथ साथ  जातक के जन्म का समय, दिन,  और जन्म स्थान का स्थानिक  सूर्योदय का समय के भी खोजे. कौन सा       तत्व का चक्र (साइकिल)  एक विशेष क्रम और विशिष्ट अवधि के साथ दोहरा रही हैं?

TATWA तत्व /
मिनटों में अवधि

सभी पांच तत्व के लिए कुल समय 90 मिनिट है याने  डेढ़  घंटे. सामान्य  सूर्योदय के बाद   डेढ़   घंटे तत्व  का चक्र (साइकिल) आरोही क्रम है. उसे Aroha चक्र भी कहा जाता है में होगा.  डेढ़ घंटे के उतरते चक्र अवरोह  चक्र कहेते है. शीर्ष तत्व  नीचे तल   तत्व की और तल तत्व  को शीर्ष तत्व  की और आगे बढ़ना  उसका क्रम   है. क्यों की ये  सतत  चलायमान है.

 प्रत्येक दिन  खास   तत्व  के साथ  अनुसार    शुरू होता है और Aroha और Avaroha चक्र के क्रम सत्तात्यापूर्ण  में लगातार जारी है.

रविवार या मंगलवार को पहली tatwa 18 मिनट की तेजस tatwa है और आरोही क्रम 18, 24, 30, 6 में चला जाता है और 12 जो 1 आधा घंटे बनाता है. हालांकि यह उतरते 12, 6, 30, 24 से शुरू होता है, और 18.

बुधवार को पहली tatwa पृथ्वी tatwa है. गुरुवार को सोमवार और शुक्रवार को पहली tatwa है आकाश tatwa, वह पहले tatwa जला tatwa है शनिवार को पहली tatwa वायु tatwa है.

एक उदाहरण:
एक व्यक्ति at10.30 बुधवार को पैदा 6.15 गया हूँ और उस दिन सूर्योदय हूँ. नीचे दिए गए के रूप में Aroha और Avaroha चक्र इस प्रकार हैं:

Aroha सारणी

0-06 मिनट







Avaroha चक्र

0-30 मिनट







टेबल तीन घंटे चक्र के दिखा कई गुना जन्म के समय का पता लगाने के लिए Tatwa



3-00 HRS

सबसे पहले चक्र
0-06 MIN


जन्म समय
इस चक्र में पड़ता है






हम  बुधवार  चक्र को उदाहरण के रूप में समजते है,सूर्योदय 6.15  है और जन्म १०.३० है  और इस में ३ घंटे की आरोह-अवरोह साइकिल को add करते  है सूर्योदय समय  6.१५ + ३.००= ९.१५ ... जन्म का समय १०.३० है इस लिए दुबारा हमें ३ घंटे की आरोह-अवरोह साइकिल को add करनी पड़ेगी  ९.१५+ ३.००= १२.१५ ये समय आरोह के अर्ध-भाग में आत्ता है याने ९.१५ से १०.४५ am तालिके में दर्शाए हुए प्रमाण-माप के अनुसार आकाश तत्व हुआ जो  गुरु ग्रह के द्वारा संचालित है.तत्व के चक्र-साइकिल खोजने के लिए जन्म-समय और दिन-वार को  ३ घंटे की चक्र में ढालना पड़ता है बाद हम जन्म के तत्व को बड़ी आसानी से उजागर कर सकेंगे. 

यहाँ एक दूसरा  उदाहरण भी समजते है; यदि कोई जातक  पृथ्वी तत्व  में पैदा हुए और उनका स्वामी ग्रह बुध जन्म कुंडली में कमजोर हो या तटस्थ हो तो उनका प्रभाव चेता-तंत्र, तंत्रिका तंत्र और पाचन प्रणाली पे होता है.इस साथ बुध के और भी कारकत्व को भी लक्ष में लेना चाहिए.

यदि सूर्य ग्रस्त होता  है, तो  रक्त परिसंचरण और सामान्यत: शरीर पे उनका दुष्प्रभाव होगा.  इसके अलावा सूर्य हृदय रोगों, हड्डी और ग्रंथियों भी का कारक है. यदि शनि ग्रस्त है तो  जोड़ों का दर्द, मांसपेशियों अथवा  उसके अन्य कारकत्व  के साथ  आमवाती दर्द पीड़ित शरीर होगा.यदि  बृहस्पति ग्रस्त हो तो  मोटापा,मधु-प्रमेह ,शुक्राणु की कमी या अल्प जीवित शुक्राणु ,या शुक्राणु की मंद गति , और जिगर की बीमारी हो जाती  है, हर्निया और कोलेस्ट्रॉल समस्याओं के भी संकेत हैं. अगर चन्द्र ग्रषित हो तो  मन और मासिक धर्म चक्र, mammary ग्रंथियों पर  बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता है . जब मंगल ग्रह दुर्घटनाओं, चोटों, रक्त की हानि का कारण बनता है और आम से पीड़ित  महिलाओं में बुरा प्रभाव देता है.जब शुक्र  मकर-ध्वज नपुंसकता, यौन रोग, प्रजनन के बाह्य अंग की बीमारी, उत्साह की कमी. निरषता, आदि दे सकते हैं 
यहाँ मेने ग्रह और उनके साथ जुडी हुयी रोगों की एक बहुत छोटी सूची  दी है.   इस तरह जन्म तत्व से  जुड़े ग्रह के आधार से  संभवित  बीमारियों का पता लगा सकेंगे.इस विषय की गहेराय में जाने के लिए  ज्योतिषी-आचार्य  को जातक की  पूरी कुंडली को  देखना चाहिए साथ साथ  दशा,प्रत्यंतर दशा, भुक्ति ..इत्यादि का अभ्यास भी इतन ही जरुरी  है .

पाठक मित्रो   वेदिक दर्शन  आधारित   ये मेडिकल -एस्ट्रोलोजी  का मेरा प्रथम लेख नहीं है.... ये थियरी  से मुझे और मेरे आयुर्वेदिक डॉ. को काफी प्रशंसनीय और सटीक परिणाम मिल रहे ....मेरी  एक छोटी सी इच्छा है में आयुर्वेदिक डॉ और इंस्टिट्यूट , कोलेज,में ये थियरी फिर से  संजीवनी तरह फेलती जाय और काफी मरीजो को उनका लाभ संजीवनी की भांति मिले.
आप के संपर्क में आये हुए किसी भी आयुर्वेदिक डॉ. को इसके बारे में जानकारी देने का छोटा सा कष्ट कीजिये, ये सब्जेक्ट पे अधिक जानकारी के लिए मुझे फोन कर सकते हो. www.ishanastrovastu .co .in  
डॉ हितेश मोढा