27 October, 2014

The advantage Of integrating Vedic Astrology with Psychology ___Pt.Dr. Hitesh A. Modha

One of the most distinct advantages that the Vedic Astrologer has over the Psychologist is that the former can elucidate both the psychological nature of the individual as well as the timing of significant positive and negative life events.  The Psychologist may comprehend the personality profile and accompanying psychological dilemmas, but he or she is unable to make clear and accurate predictions about when stressful life events are likely to manifest and when they are likely to abate.  The Psychologist tends to rely on past and current behavioral patterns to make his predictions, while the Astrologer can utilize both avenues of behavioral observation as well as chart analysis.   Therefore, Vedic Astrologers have a unique perspective since they can predict when certain life stressors are likely to exacerbate pre-existing emotional or cognitive difficulties related to a given personality style. Moreover, the Astrologer can identify the precise timing of a particular life stressor or event and how that individual is likely to respond to the information that he or she receives from the Astrologer.  Different personality styles will respond and cope differently to the same life challenge or stressor. 

For example, the Histrionic personality type (active-dependent) has a particularly strong need to socialize, be recognized by the opposite sex, has a dramatic self-expression, shows intolerance for frustration, delay or disappointment, acts very friendly, superficial and flirtatious and is generally the “life of the party.”  Affection must be replenished constantly from others for this person to feel secure.  This individual takes an active role in being noticed and admired. Yet, this person is also quite dependent on the opinions and evaluations of others for approval.  So, this individual relies to a large extent on external validation and he or she tends to focus his or her attention on appearance.  If this desire is met, then this person functions reasonably well.  However, when this person goes through a difficult Mahadasa period, perhaps a Saturn Dasa with Saturn in a weak chart position, he or she will have a unique struggle that is associated with that personality profile.  In contrast, the Compulsive (passive-ambivalent) type is more serious, conforming to societal rules, and maintains control over his affect and behavior.  The Compulsive type is highly perfectionist, orderly, behaviorally constrained, indecisive and rigid, and prefers to remain more private than the Histrionic type.  The Saturn Dasa experience for this individual will be quite different than for the Histrionic personality.  The Compulsive type may make great strides during the Saturn Dasa and finally feel comfortable and productive under this planetary influence. The Histrionic type may become depressed and have difficulty obtaining the social reinforcements that are so central to this person’s self-image.   In sum, the Vedic Astrologer can serve the client by identifying discrete personality patterns. The Vedic Astrologer can then assist the client by tailoring the astrological interpretation to address that client’s particular emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral and spiritual orientation as dictated through one’s personality profile.

The interaction of personality style with the operating Dasa/Bhukti cycle may help to explain why certain individuals with particularly “strong” charts still have significant difficulty and discontent in their life experience and conversely why some individuals with “weak” or afflicted charts appear to overcome many of life’s obstacles.  Certain personality styles appear to thrive on discord, while other personality types have very little reserve for coping with challenging circumstances.   This idea deserves to be formally investigated through appropriate research models, incorporating the Million personality theory within the context of Vedic Astrological chart interpretation.

            The accurate information conveyed during an astrological consultation is a matter of discernment by the Vedic Astrologer and it is an important issue that is not easily taught.  Therefore, use of this personality framework should assist the Vedic Astrologer in understanding his client along the 6 axes formerly described.  By understanding the personality style of the client, the Vedic Astrologer will also recognize what information can truly be “heard,” as well as the likely impact of the information on that personality type.

            I demonstrate how the Vedic Astrologer can utilize the Rasi, Nakshtra and Lagna-kundali, Dreskan (charts) for delineating personality and psychological features using the 6-axis bio-psycho-social model presented earlier.  The main point to consider is that the profound system of Vedic Jyotish clearly offers a method for a deep examination of personality and accompanying psychological features found within any particular astrological chart. More information you can visit


 Dr. Hitesh A. Modha