The ancient Maharshi of Bharat-Varsh (India) spoke of three positions of Vastu Purusha — Nitya, Chara and Sthira. Space personified as Vastu Purusha changes his gaze every three hours in a day and becomes Nitya Vastu Purusha. When his gaze changes during the twelve months of a year to south, west, north and east he becomes Chara Vastu Purusha. When he is lying flat on his stomact with his face down and permanently gazing into the ground with his head to the northeast, legs and lower part of the body to the southwest and his left and right arms to the northwest and southeast respectively, he is reerred to as Sthira Purusha.

A study of the fourth house reveals houses, landed and ancestral properties, peace of mind, mother, home life, conveyances and general happiness. When judging the houses, one’s analysis should be intelligent and skilled and not literal.
A study of the fourth house reveals houses, landed and ancestral properties, peace of mind, mother, home life, conveyances and general happiness.
- Strength, aspects, conjunctions and position of the lord of the fourth house.
- Strength of the house itself.
- Natural qualities of the house, of its lord and the planets in it or having aspects.
- The yogas occurring in a particular house.
- The exaltation or debilitation of the house lord.
- The age, position, status and sex of the person.
- The disposition of planets in a sign and the relationship of the house lord with the Sun.
- The directions and the relevant primary elements imbalanced in the horoscope
- The appropriate plan or mandala to be used.

When a plan of a house is made out, the length, breadth and height are of primary importance in finding the Ayadi Shadvarga or the six building formulae — aya, vyaya, rksha, yoni, vara and tithi. The significance of astrology is clearly spelt out in the rksha formula. Rksha refers to the nakshatra or constellation of the site or building. The length of the site or building (in hasta measurement) is multiplied by 8 and divided by 27. The remainder obtained indicates the constellation. This should be compatible with the master’s (and his/her spouse’s) nakshatra for general happiness in the family.
Similarly, the importance of the horoscope is obvious when we select the day for laying the foundation, the day for digging the well or bore or creating an underground or overhead tank, day for installation of main door and the day for entering the completed building.
1. Laying the foundation
- The lunar months Jyeshta, Ashada, Bhadrapada, Aswiyuja, Margasira, Pushya and Phalguna should be avoided.
- Chaitra, Vaisakha, Sravana, Kartika and Magha are recommended.
- The Sun should occupy a fixed sign.
- The constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Chitta, Hasta, Jyeshta, Uttara, Uttarashada and Sravana are good.
- All odd tithis (lunar days), except navami, are good. Of the even tithis, the 2nd, 6th and 10th are auspicious.
- Of the weekdays, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good.
- Fixed signs are best.
- The constellations Revati, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Anuradha, Makha, Sravana, Rohini and Pushyami are good.
- Recommended rising sign is Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn.
- Rising sign should be a fixed sign.
- Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttara, Chitta, Anuradha, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra and Revati are good.
- Recommended weekdays are Wednesday and Friday.
- The Sun in Uttarayana, when Venus and Jupiter are strongly disposed is good.
- Lunar months Vaishakha, Jyeshta, Magha and Phalguna are the best. Kartika and Margasira are tolerable.
- Constellations recommended are Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttarashada, Chitta and Uttarabhadra. Anuradha and Revati are not bad.
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are favorable.
- The Ascendant should be a fixed sign
We first need to understand that both these sciences are inter-dependant. While Astrology speaks of Time and personifies it as Kalapurusha, Vastu speaks of Space and personifies it as Vastu Purusha.
- South or East - good for Mesha (Aries), Meena(Pisces) and Kumbha (Aquarius).
- South or West - good for Vrishabha (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini) and Kataka (Cancer).
- North or West - good for Simha (Leo) Kanya(Virgo) and Tula(Libra).
- North or East - good for Vrischika (Scorpio), Dhanus (Sagittarius) and Makara (Capricorn).
As a simple illustration, while Astrology can tell you it will rain and cause stress, Vastu can give you an umbrella or a shelter over your head and de-stress you.
If you apply the principles of Vastu in a holistic manner, the horoscopic positives can be optimized while the impact of the depressing indications indicated in your horoscope can be minimized. Vastu when properly applied, under the advice of an expert, can indeed enhance your social and business contacts, create greater harmony in the family, with friends and business associates, and better your physical, mental, spiritual and business health.
Pt. Dr. Hitesh A. Modha
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